Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Hibernating. #TeamTamal. Life?

So it seems as though I've been on a hiatus for 6 months (shall I just call it hibernating?) and I haven't posted in a very long time. I don't think there is a specific reason, but sometimes life just happens and before you know it WHOOSH it is 6 months later and the Great British Bake Off is back on! I know - its crazy, right? And it's nearing the quarter finals! #TeamTamal, anyone? He is just delightful, such a lovely guy and a great baker! :)

Anyway back to the subject, I think I may have started a blog for the wrong reasons - I almost felt a bit pressured into doing it because it was "THE thing" to do.. 
I might have pressured myself to do this before I had even fully thought it through enough!

Although I still am unsure of what direction I want to go with my blog.. Well apart from fact I like centering my text and using the Georgia font! I feel like this is just a great opportunity to keep a record, somewhat like a diary to keep track of my "food" journey. I love sharing my food experiences because it is something we will always have in common - cause everybody gotta eat, right? 

All I know is that each day we're learning and no matter what lesson it is in.. 
I am so thankful that I have God with me, but I always need to learn to be grateful to Him. We are given each day and have this life to live - sometimes we have done wrong but need to admit it, reflect upon it, then make the necessary changes and ultimately learn from it to make us a better person! 

I can say that I recently experienced this while assisting my brother when he was attempting to bake. He was so excited about making something to share with family and friends, he had already built up this scenario in his head where he would succeed and all would be dandy. But little did he know he'd end up burning it and there would be no dessert. Of course he didn't take it well and was very unhappy - but only through doing wrong and messing up do we know how to pick ourselves up, reflect on what we did wrong and learn from it. 
(And yes, after my brothers 3rd try - he was successful! Yayyy!)

Life is a path and a journey... We Live and We Learn and should Thank God for each day! 

Wendy x